Thursday 18 June 2015

Striking a balance

My little world had been changing recently.  We had the big move to Cornwall back in December and that was a lot of upheaval but the good kind. Mr Green has his new job  which has already expanded and the children have their new schools and nursery.  I have a new part time job in which I get to indulge my foodie passion and experiment with new recipes.  I have the blog which is slowly coming together (I now have some pictures,  woohoo!) And I have my felting.  I have taken the plunge and launched a facebook page and etsy shop which feels both scary but exciting.  I am networking and trying to be proactive.  And finally,  we have a new addition to the family,  a gorgeous baby boy. Ok, no I haven't had a secret pregnancy - he is a gorgeous little kitten who is a furry bundle of love and mischief.  He is already enriching our lives and improving my mental health.  However,  it's very hard to get things done in between cuddles and playtime.


So, although things are going in the right direction I still feel a little like a headless chicken.  I seem to have lost the ability to prioritise and sequence.  It is tempting to keep checking page views on my blog, tweaking my layout, check likes on the facebook page or activity in the etsy shop or editing my listings. And it is tempting to keep cuddling the kitten. 

The house is a mess, Sausage is watching too much tv, we are going to bed too late and I'm not devoting enough time to actually making things.  I need to get organised and feel that I almost need a military precision schedule in order to accomplish all my daily tasks from the mundane to the more exciting.  I have a lot of balls in the air and I don't want to drop any. So I need to become more organised and productive and stop procrastinating.

It would be wonderful to hear tips and advice from my readers if you have any gems of wisdom.  Right,  I'm going to put down my phone and the kitten and start on my jobs. Maybe I'll just make a cuppa first...;-).


  1. LOL! This sounds like a post I could've written. I think all bloggers, everywhere, have times when everything seems to get out of hand and they wish they were more organised. In fact, we all go through phases, sometimes we're totally organised and things fly, and others, well it all goes to pot!

    It sounds like you've got a lot going on and getting a facebook page and getting yourself on Etsy is a great start! Loving the photos too, it makes you seem a little more real.

    You might find it helpful to put links to your Facebook and Etsy pages in your sidebar. That way readers can like them straight from your blog. :)

    1. Thanks Morgan, yes I'm sure it's a fairly universal feeling! I'm glad you like the photos, it's a bit hit and miss when I can add them as I am usually blogging from my temperamental old phone which won't always upload photos. I have an etsy button but not sure yet how to link to my facebook page. Thanks x
